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I. Dedication: The art of dance is about constantly growing and evolving.

  • YOU have the potential to do anything you put your mind to, but YOU must be willing to work hard! 

  • Show up for class with an eagerness to learn, a CAN-DO attitude, and readiness to give it your all. 

  • Never give up. Never think you're above trying harder. Always challenge yourself to be better. 

  • An ARTIST who puts his/her best effort WILL receive a more rewarding experience. 

  • Be grateful for constructive feedback, it’s what will make you better! 

  • Honor your teacher by paying attention in class and thanking him/her at the end of each class.

II. Inclusion: EVERY student is entitled to the best arts education.

  • Treat others the way you want to be treated.

  • Artists, teachers, and parents must help to sustain an INCLUSIVE environment where all artists are supported, regardless of age, level, or hours.

  • Dancers must build each other up as teammates. No one should feel that he or she is better than others just because they perform at a higher level. 

  • Embrace ALL students in your class, regardless of differences in skill level or background.

  • A artist should be able to attend class without feeling self-conscious or alienated. 

  • Friendships at THI are important. Nurture these relationships while also making new friends.

III. Community: THI is an inclusive, nurturing  family.  

  • Embrace new parents and students, give compliments, share knowledge.

  • All members of our THI staff, parents, and students should be treated with respect and kindness. 

  • There is ZERO tolerance for bullying of any kind, whether it be in person, on social media, or texting. 

  • Don’t gossip about a person behind their back or on line. Always be friendly and have compassion for others. 

  • COMMUNICATE to your teacher if you are feeling uncomfortable about a situation. 

IV. Leadership: Set a good example in and outside the CENTER, on and off stage.

  • As a member of THI, you are an ambassador, representing the very best of our FAMILY.

  • All artists must conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on The House Inc.

  • Artists who participate in social media are reminded to keep it positive and APPROPRIATE.

  • We expect our older members to set a good example and act as role models for our younger members  

V. Responsibility: Take care of our dance home - this space belongs to YOU!

  • Keep our studio clean by picking up after yourself and others.

  • When you see trash, throw it away. 

  • Place lost and found items in the bin in the locker room. 

  • If you see a way YOU can help a teacher, a parent, or another student, roll up your sleeves and help! 

Let’s Work Together

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​​Contact Us:


Phone: 608.203.6490

​Find Us: 

6527 Normandy Lane, Suite 200

Madison WI 53719

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