I. Dedication: The art of dance is about constantly growing and evolving.
YOU have the potential to do anything you put your mind to, but YOU must be willing to work hard!
Show up for class with an eagerness to learn, a CAN-DO attitude, and readiness to give it your all.
Never give up. Never think you're above trying harder. Always challenge yourself to be better.
An ARTIST who puts his/her best effort WILL receive a more rewarding experience.
Be grateful for constructive feedback, it’s what will make you better!
Honor your teacher by paying attention in class and thanking him/her at the end of each class.
II. Inclusion: EVERY student is entitled to the best arts education.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Artists, teachers, and parents must help to sustain an INCLUSIVE environment where all artists are supported, regardless of age, level, or hours.
Dancers must build each other up as teammates. No one should feel that he or she is better than others just because they perform at a higher level.
Embrace ALL students in your class, regardless of differences in skill level or background.
A artist should be able to attend class without feeling self-conscious or alienated.
Friendships at THI are important. Nurture these relationships while also making new friends.
III. Community: THI is an inclusive, nurturing family.
Embrace new parents and students, give compliments, share knowledge.
All members of our THI staff, parents, and students should be treated with respect and kindness.
There is ZERO tolerance for bullying of any kind, whether it be in person, on social media, or texting.
Don’t gossip about a person behind their back or on line. Always be friendly and have compassion for others.
COMMUNICATE to your teacher if you are feeling uncomfortable about a situation.
IV. Leadership: Set a good example in and outside the CENTER, on and off stage.
As a member of THI, you are an ambassador, representing the very best of our FAMILY.
All artists must conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on The House Inc.
Artists who participate in social media are reminded to keep it positive and APPROPRIATE.
We expect our older members to set a good example and act as role models for our younger members
V. Responsibility: Take care of our dance home - this space belongs to YOU!
Keep our studio clean by picking up after yourself and others.
When you see trash, throw it away.
Place lost and found items in the bin in the locker room.
If you see a way YOU can help a teacher, a parent, or another student, roll up your sleeves and help!